My Son Draculaura


My son Max is the most confident person I’ve ever met in my life. This year for his school Halloween party he went as Draculaura from Monster High. Choosing to dress as a female character is nothing new for him. At only 7 years old he’s already gone in costume as Princess Leia and Padmé Amidala from Star Wars, Clawdeen Wolf from Monster High and Catwoman. When he was younger he wasn’t the least bit concerned what his peers might think of his “girlie” choices, but as he’s getting older he’s starting to worry.

Kids (and some adults) can be so cruel and it’s finally starting to take a toll on him. A boy in a “girls” costume makes him an easy mark for bullies, and great gossip for the mommies. I know that I’m “feeding him to the wolves” when I let him go to a school function dressed as the opposite sex, but what’s my other option? Tell him he can’t be who he is because some dipshit little kids and their parents feel awkward around my son. Not gonna happen on my watch. Not while I’m his mommy.

Needless to say he ended up having a blast at the Halloween party. Max’s friends and their parents are amazing and have always accepted him with open arms, no matter how sparkly and fabulous he is. Yes, there were a few stares and whispers (mostly from parents), but as I’ve always tried to instill in my son, we can’t worry about what everyone else thinks. My kid is polite, sensitive, loving, and has a heart of gold. He is perfect.

Is my son straight, gay, bi, trans or a metrosexual in the making? I have no clue, but I do know whatever God (or whatever higher power) has intended him to be, he is incredible. He is stronger and more secure with himself than most adults. I can’t wait to see what beautiful costume he has in store for next year. I’m sure it will be fabulous. – Jill TopolOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA